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Avalanche Diodes

Minintel offers high-quality electronic components from top-tier manufacturers in the industry. We commit to swift delivery lead times to accommodate our clients' urgent production needs while ensuring the outstanding quality of our products.


Our supplier network spans across renowned global manufacturers of electronic components, brands that are celebrated for their innovative technologies and stringent quality control standards. To ensure every product meets the highest benchmarks, we subject all prospective manufacturers to a comprehensive and rigorous screening process. This includes an evaluation of their production capabilities, quality management systems, environmental policies, and market feedback.


Once a manufacturer passes our audit, we conduct further in-depth testing on their products, encompassing electrical performance tests, environmental compatibility assessments, and longevity evaluations. This meticulous approach and professional execution allow us to assure our clients that all products supplied by Minintel are carefully selected, ensuring peace of mind regarding quality. This lets our clients focus wholeheartedly on product innovation and business development without any concerns about the supply chain.


Furthermore, we offer highly competitive pricing strategies, particularly advantageous for bulk buyers, with more favorable prices aimed at assisting our clients in reducing costs and enhancing their market competitiveness. Whether you are a startup or a large-scale manufacturer, Minintel is your dependable partner. We are dedicated to providing you with one-stop solutions for electronic component procurement, enabling you to maintain a leading position in the rapidly changing market landscape.

    Avalanche Diode (1)3vv
    Avalanche Diode (1)0pj
    Avalanche Diode (2)odt
    Avalanche Diode (3)q57
    Avalanche Diode (4)360
    Avalanche Diode (5)t8l
    Avalanche Diode (6)nvf
    Avalanche Diode (7)n5g
    Avalanche Diode (8)5ku
    Avalanche Diode (9)hd5
    Avalanche Diode (10)4o7
    Avalanche Diode (11)xo4
    Avalanche Diode (12)gur
    Avalanche Diode (13)egq
    Avalanche Diode (14)h1v
    Avalanche Diode (15)7jn
    Avalanche Diode (16)nbk
    Avalanche Diode (17)fsn
    Avalanche Diode (18)9wm
    Avalanche Diode (19)5rq
    Avalanche Diode (20)cx6
    Avalanche Diode (21)iqt
    Avalanche Diode (22)6cl
    Avalanche Diode (23)mjy
    Avalanche Diode (24)kid
    Avalanche Diode (25)ni5
    Avalanche Diode (26)e64
    Avalanche Diode (27)jyj
    Avalanche Diode 28rtd

    Given the wide range of product categories and the continuous introduction of new products, the models in this list may not fully cover all options. We sincerely invite you to consult at any time for more detailed information.

    Avalanche Diodes
    Manufacturer Package Rectified Current

    Forward Voltage (Vf@If) Reverse Voltage (Vr) Reverse Recovery Time (tr)

    Diode Configuration Reverse Leakage Current (Ir)

    Contact us

    Avalanche Diodes are a specialized type of diode that operates in the reverse breakdown region. When the reverse voltage increases to a certain level, the reverse current abruptly increases, a phenomenon known as the avalanche multiplication effect. Diodes leveraging this effect are called avalanche diodes. Avalanche diodes typically feature high reverse breakdown voltage and fast response speeds, making them widely used in electronic circuits requiring high frequency, high speed, large current, and high sensitivity.

    Characteristics of Avalanche Diodes:

    High Reverse Breakdown Voltage: Capable of enduring high reverse voltages without breaking down.
    Rapid Response: Under the avalanche multiplication effect, the reverse current surges rapidly, ensuring swift responsiveness.
    High Sensitivity: Demonstrates heightened sensitivity to minute signal variations.

    Application Areas:

    High-Frequency Circuits: Avalanche diodes' high-frequency characteristics make them crucial components in high-frequency circuits, such as oscillators and mixers.
    Microwave Circuits: Employed in microwave communication, radar systems, etc., for signal detection and amplification.
    Photodetection: As optical receivers, they detect feeble light signals and convert them into electrical signals, essential in optical communications and photoelectric measurements.
    High-Speed Switching: Leveraging their fast response, avalanche diodes function as high-speed switching elements crucial in digital and pulse circuits.

    Purchasing and Considerations:
    When selecting avalanche diodes, it's essential to consider their reverse breakdown voltage, response speed, and sensitivity to meet specific circuit requirements. Additionally, note the following:

    Package Types: Avalanche diodes come in various packages, such as through-hole and surface-mount, choosing based on the circuit board's layout and installation requirements.
    Operating Temperature Range: Ensure the chosen diode operates seamlessly within the working environment, unaffected by temperature fluctuations.
    Quality Certifications: Opt for brands and suppliers with quality certifications and a solid reputation to guarantee product quality and reliability.